Parody Of Malin Kundang ( Task Of Writing III )

KINESTI ARINING TYAS 53140622 Malindo such as Malindo Painem such as Mother Anyun such as Friend Sinsin such as Wife of Malindo PARODY OF MALIN KUNDANG Once upon a time, there was a women live with her son. Her son name is Malindo. His Mother give his name Malindo because Malindo always wear headcraft. They lived in a small village, they are poor. They lived in Jajake. Jajake is small village in Boboke. Almost people who liver in there, they are poor. One day, his mother was really shy because her friends live in elite house. She saw in facebook so she want like them, have a big house. Painem : Malindo …. Malindo …. Malindo : Yes, mom. What happened ? Why you cry ? Painem : I saw may friends in facebook. They have big house. I want L Malindo : Be patient mom, I’ll work hard and I’ll buy house like that. Paine...