Puja Mandala

History of Puja Mandala

In the 90s, Muslims in the Nusa Dua area experienced difficulties in performing the Friday prayers because the majority of the religions in Bali are Hinduism. The mosque in the Nusa Dua area was located in Kuta which was quite far away. Because of that MUI Bali and the Ibnu Batutah Foundation proposed the establishment of the mosque to the government. The reason, the needs of domestic and foreign tourists while in Bali, in addition to eat, drink, recreation and rest, was also worship according to their respective beliefs. Based on that discourse, Joop Ave asked to think about the construction of places of worship. But the establishment of the mosque was blocked by the 2 ministerial decree requiring the establishment of houses of worship with 500 Muslim applicants living on site. When this problem reached the central government, on the advice of Joop Ave to President Soeharto, there stood a complex of houses of worship displaying Indonesian religious life called Puja Mandala. Joop Ave was the Indonesian Minister of Tourism, Post and Telecommunications between 1993 and 1998 Born in Yogyakarta to Dutch ancestors, he served in the Fourth Development Cabinet. He was active for 20 years in the field of protocol.
The construction of the Puja Mandala Complex project, started in 1994, and has no relation to the assistance and facilitation of PT Tourism Development Bali (Persero) and Bali Tourism Development Corporation (BTDC). The construction of the building is left entirely to the people of each religion by dividing the same size and breadth. Puja Mandala Nusa Dua was officially endorsed in 1997 by Minister of Religious Affairs Mr. Tarmidzi Taher.

The Tourism Object in Puja Mandala

The Grand Mosque of Ibnu Batutah
The Grand Mosque of Ibnu Batutah with a roof overlap is a typical mosque building that is often found in Java. The name of Ibnu Batutah Mosque is taken from the name of a Moroccan nomadic, Ibnu Batutah with the world's most complete travel record from the 14th century, crossing a distance of 120,000 km throughout the Muslim world, encompassing 44 modern states including Indonesia.

Catholic Church Mary Mother of All Nations
Gereja Katolik Bunda Maria Segala Bangsa (Catholic Church Mary Mother of All Nations) located just next to the Grand Mosque of Ibnu Batutah, with a single tower, the front wall of the frontage follows the shape of the roof and the back of the roof overlap. This name was inspired by the appearance of Mary Mother in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, which permitted to be addressed as the Mother of the Nation. Compared with the name of Mary the Mother of All Nations and according to its name. MBSB Church members come from various ethnic backgrounds in Indonesia, as well as foreign people who travel on business or on vacation. It is no exaggeration, then, that the MBSB Catholic Church belongs to all nations.
Parish Mary Mother of All Nations Nusa Dua is a parish of the Roman Catholic Church in Denpasar diocese based in Benoa, South Kuta, Badung regency, Bali. Church of Mary Mother of All Nations was built in 1995 which then renovated and inaugurated on October 16, 2011 at the same time as the announcement of the new status of the church and become a parish.

Buddhina Guna Temple
Buddhina Guna Temple built with beautiful white and golden ornaments. This monastery looks elegant and luxurious. The workings of the statue and ornaments seem very smooth and detailed. There is a Buddhist relief, a pair of knight statues as well as a pair of beautiful dragon statues, a white elephant statue with fancy ornaments detail and very fine.
The circle around the Buddha is eight, apparently symbolizing his teaching that in order to be free from suffering, man must go through the eightfold path of Sradha or faith, including believe the truth, true intention, true words, right action, live right, right effort, true memory and the correct meditation.

Gereja Kristen Protestan Bukit Doa (Bukit Do’a Protestant Church)
Gereja Kristen Protestan Bukit Doa (Bukit Do’a Protestant Church) with a touch of local ornaments that is quite thick and tower in front of the church with bells on it.
The Catholic Church of the Virgin Mary of All Nations, The Protestant Church of Prayer Hill, The Grand Mosque of Ibnu Batutah were built in 1994 and inaugurated in 1997, the Buddhist monastery was completed in 2003, and Pura Jagat Natha Nusa Dua was built most recently and finished in 30th December 2004.

Pura Agung Jagat Natha Nusa Dua
At the far right of the complex is the Building of Kori Agung Pura Jagat Natha Nusa Dua with a landmark ornamented name Kala. At the door of Kori Agung there is also Kala makara. The largest makara was made with a pair of hands with long-nails, which is not commonly found in Javanese temples.
Puja Mandala Nusa Dua Bali becomes a symbol of the proximity between religious people, to live side by side in peace. Believing trust is natural, and believing that beliefs are most correct are also natural. However, it seems only if the relationship of man with his God is good, then also his relationship with others, whatever other people's beliefs.


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